Discover your magic

I'm choking to death on all the things I want to tell you simultaneously about this. You know how sometimes things just WORK in this really amazing, sparkly way? And you think "wow, how did I get those amazing, sparkly results?" The answer is - you have real, actual magic that you can use to produce real, actual results in your life. But most of the time we do it in a haphazard way. Unintentionally or accidentally or half on purpose or in a way that we can't remember. We're going to go exploring together and capture those things you're doing.

Hone Your Bag of Tricks

You can be systematic and still have a LOT of fun (ask me how I know)

  • A Grimoire

    I'll be honest - a lot of the work is going to be more like "field journal" (not listed here) because we are going to experiment like whaaaaaat. And then capture all those juicy successes (and failures) so you can return to them (or avoid them) again and again and again

  • A Calendar

    I hate the Gregorian calendar. It doesn't make any sense to me. Learning to move through the seasons and cycles in a way that feels good TO ME (and not some dead guy) has opened up a TON. Let's figure out your personal rhythms.

  • Some Way-finding Tools

    I tried to find a sexy collective noun for things like maps scratched on scraps of paper, and compasses and sextants and all the things we use to figure out where we are and how to get where we're going. And there isn't one. But we'll be crafting those together, too.

The Hows and Whats

The nitty gritty of what we'll actually be doing to adventure together

  • We're going to do this all inside story. More specifically, an ever expanding story charm that spans a whole season

  • One private 1:1 to "peek into your backpack" to get you oriented and ready to go (book this as soon as you join!)

  • We'll have group calls to "tell you into the story" with one reserved spot, just for you, per month

  • Guided moon oracle reads to tie you into the story on a regular cycle

  • The magic around me is wickedly potent growth magic. When you're in a circle with me, stuff grows like bananas. I'll also be adding touches and frills behind the magical scenes throughout

  • Any "one-off" events (e.g. Equinox or Solstice) I do during your enrollment, you're in!

One Season of Adventure

Pay all at once or pay monthly with no difference in the price

A Year of Adventure

Join for the whole year to have an integrated experience of all the seasons. This also guarantees your spot each season. Spots are limited!

I still have questions

  • When are the live calls?

    All calls are Tuesdays at 12pm and 8pm Eastern. Support calls are 90 minutes. Kick off and close are 30 minutes

  • How many live calls each month?

    The total number of calls per month will be determined by total enrollment. Each call will include a reserved spot for several students. At full enrollment we will meet four times each month(2x on two different Tuesdays) plus a kick-off and closing ceremony to bookend the whole season

  • When is all this happening?

    I'm currently enrolling for the May 2024 Adventure which kicks off April 30 and closes July 23. In general, we'll start on the cross-quarter days (May 1, August 1, November 1, February 1) with some plus/minus for logistics

  • I *still* have questions

    Ok, fair. If you have a channel we usually use to chat, hit me up there. Otherwise find me in a DM on Instagram @aspaciouslife