obligatory about me page

Ok … in no particular order

a woman holding a burning candle labeled My Last Fuck watch it burn

I'm Lynn Rogala

I coach like a drunk girl giving a stranger a bathroom pep talk

I'm witchy AF

I follow Jesus Christ and worship the triune God as understood by pre-Roman Christians and not at all as understood by the modern, American evangelical church

I attract generational healers (so if you're here, hey that's you!)

I'm extremely fancy as evidence by the many certification seals on this very page

I love you so much, like Mr. Rogers style love you just the way you are

My magic is igniting your magic

When you can't see who you truly are I want to lie face-down on the floor and cry

To be frank, what I'm doing at any given moment moves too quickly for me to bother updating my webpage all the time. The best way to hang with me is to 

logo for professional certified coach the life coach school
logo for certified holy yoga instructor in 200, therapy, masters and touch
logo for certified non hippie with a BS in math and MS in compsci